Sunday, August 12, 2012

Chiropractic specializes on the Neuromusculoskeletal system

If you have a spine, you may be a candidate for the holistic, drug-free
system of health care called
Chiropractic. If you have knees,
shoulders, a wrist, you have bones, you have joints, and at each
of these articulations, subluxations
may occur and cause pain, dysfunction, movement problems,
and more.

If you have experienced pain,
are tired of relying on dope / drugs to numb you out, and are interested in trying to get to the bottom of WHY you are hurting, and perhaps resolve the reason for that pain, then it is time to consider Chiropractic care.

Located at 317 North High Street
in Longview Texas, we have a patient centered approach to health care.
Call (903) 753-5400 today to schedule your appointment with us.

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